2020 What a year

What a year it has been. The COVID-19 virus has changed our lives and affected everything.  The Blade Show was cancelled and all of the other major shows of the year.  We have been bombarded with politics and the media, had a contested election.  I have no idea what the future will bring.  Here at Lantac Knives we have been busy.  The knife business actually picked up through the pandemic and it has been hard to keep up.  We continue to try to keep the latest ZU Bladeworx, Freeman, Jake Hoback, RMJ Tactical, ADV Tactical, Alfa, Les George, Microtech and Rick Hinderer knives in stock.  We are always on the lookout for new talent and cool knives.  We are one of four dealers in the world for ZU Bladeworx out of Australia. They build some really fantastic knives that sell out very quickly.  Everything ZU makes is basically a limited edition.  He builds just so many of a specific model and that is it.  He may bring that design back at a later date, but with some changes as a different version.  If you see a ZU that you just have to have you better get it while you can.  Jake Hoback continues to build fantastic knives, the Kwaiback and the new smaller Radford Version are fantastic.  Microtech continues to produce some of the highest quality best auto’s on the market and Rick Hinderer knives continues with new designs and a very high quality product.  We have a bunch of Alfa Knife AK-5’s on order and some new RMJ Tactical models shipping today.  One of the new makers we picked up this year is Les George.  His knives are great designs and very high quality, they sell out fast and are always in demand.  We also picked up Andre DeVilliers (ADV Tactical) he is a South African knife maker with cutting edge designs and very overbuilt hard use blades.

We are the only dealer worldwide for TASK knives which are designed by Brandon Kirby and produced by Mineral Mountain Hatchet Works.  These are handmade from 5160 spring steel, then parkerized.  They are well made heavy duty knives that are an exceptional value for a handmade knife.

We also continue to try and find any Treeman Combat knives we can and put them on the site for you.  These are excellent handmade knives that are no longer in production. In 2020 we have also discontinued carrying some brands of more common production knives.  They are very common and available all over online.  We have added a section for flashlights and carry Mechforce, Olight and Nitecore lights.  Here are some photos of some of the brands mentioned above.  Everyone stay safe and always have an edge.

